Friday, July 20, 2012

Week 9

During my internship at WCRN I have been given many tasks to do.  First thing every day when I come in the morning it is my job to look through the news for the day to see what is vital for the morning and afternoon news reports for Hank Stolzs.  After that I go into the editing room to do Hank Stolzs voice over’s and edit them for the afternoon show.  Then when that is finished, I go into the studio to run the board for the afternoon show.  It is my job figure out in that first hour how many (spot blocks) commercials will be used in that first hour and tell Hank Stolz when to go to break.  I also answer the calls during the show, it is my job to ask the caller there name where they are calling from and what they want to talk about.  I write all this on a monitor so that whoever is in the studio at that time they can see the caller’s information.  I am also am in charge of posting all the social media for the week on Hoot sweet and special things happening for the summer. An example of what is being posted this summer is the “Out to lunch” concerts that Hank and Sherman are hosting this summer every Friday for July and August. 

My Social Media and video classes that I had last semester at Worcester State have helped me a great deal.  From learning how to edit audio clips to posting social media on Hoot sweet these classes have certainly have made it possible for me to be successful in my internship here at WCRN.    

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